You’re here for a reason
It’s no coincidence that you crossed paths with me and my Conquering Anger program. If you’re reading this, it’s likely that anger has caused enough havoc in your life that you know something needs to change.
You might be at a point where if things don’t turn around quickly, you could be at risk of losing your marriage, losing your kids, losing your career, or even feeling like life doesn’t seem worth living anymore. Whatever is in the balance for you, know this: you’re not alone, and you can adapt and overcome!
I’m here to help you do the work necessary to conquer anger and repair the damage that has been done. I feel deeply called to this mission in my life, and I have had the blessing and honor to have guided hundreds of men through the fallout of destructive anger. With over two decades of personal and professional experience, I’m confident that the Anger Resolution program can help you get the results you need.
The Power of the Anger Resolution Program
Anger Resolution is a program designed specifically for men, built on the very best components from research-based anger management interventions. I have distilled concepts from various anger management programs to include only what actually works and to discard what doesn’t. What makes Anger Resolution truly unique is the final phase that guides you through a forgiveness process, which is the key to truly overcoming destructive anger.
When you struggle with destructive anger, your life can spiral downward quickly. Stopping the spiral is the first priority. By booking a Conquer Anger Call, you’ve taken the first big step in stopping that spiral. You’re in good hands. If you are in the spiral, you can’t delay action—otherwise, all your nightmares, the things that keep you up at night, will become your reality.
Taking Action
So what can you do now? Take out a piece of paper. On one side, list all the things you stand to lose if you don’t conquer anger. On the other side, list all the challenges you see in being successful.
Here’s a secret: when you write things out like this and get these needs, desires, and fears out of your head and onto paper, your mind sees them differently. If you can see it all in front of you, you can start to see what actually needs to happen and how to do it.
At the bottom of the paper, write any realizations that come to you as you put ink to paper. When you’re done, take a deep breath in, let it out, and notice any change you have in your mind, heart, and soul about your choice to tackle this problem with anger.
Matt’s Story: A Journey of Transformation
I wanted to share with you a story from one of my favorite men that I have ever worked with. His name is Matt. He felt utterly defeated at home with his wife and children, despite a decorated military career that proved his capabilities time and again.
In the service, his leadership, skills, and quick response saved lives and earned him respect. But at home, he couldn’t seem to get anything right. His wife and children were miserable, and his efforts to improve things only seemed to make matters worse. Anger took hold, and the situation was on the brink of collapse.
What Matt didn’t realize was that the qualities that made him a hero in the military were the very same ones that could make him a hero at home—if applied differently. By adapting his leadership skills and daily preparation techniques to his home life, he was able to create a safe and stable environment for his family. Through hard work and commitment, he transformed his relationships and began to see himself as capable once again.
The Anger Resolution Framework
This type of transformation is at the heart of the Anger Resolution program. Our program follows a structured framework to help men conquer anger and build healthier, more loving relationships at home. The framework includes five key steps: Recognition, Reconnaissance, Resilience, Resolution, and Repair. Each step is designed to address specific aspects of anger and its impact on your life and relationships.
Today, I want to share one powerful tactic from the “Recognition” step of our framework: Anger Analysis. This involves identifying the triggers that set off your anger. Keep a journal and note down situations that lead to anger outbursts. Look for patterns—are there specific events, people, or times of day that trigger your anger? Understanding these triggers is the first step towards controlling and ultimately eliminating them.

Real Results
Our program has helped hundreds of men turn their lives around. Here’s what one of our clients, Matt, had to say:
“Before joining the Anger Resolution program, I felt like I was losing my family. I was always angry, and it was destroying my relationships. When anger would appear, it was like being on a runaway train; I could pull hard on the brake, but all there was more sparks and chaos. But with the help of Dr. Sotelo and Anger Resolution, I learned how to be the conductor on the train and how to avoid anger altogether. This helped me to rebuild my connection with my wife and son. I am now a more calm and in control man, which allows me to be a patient and loving husband and father.” – Matt M.
Your Turn
Like Matt, you have the power to change this. You can turn your skills and experiences into tools that will strengthen your family relationships and bring peace to your home. Don’t let anger control your life any longer. Take the first step today and see how the Anger Resolution program can transform your life.